Orla de Copacabana
Lindo dia de Sol
25 m vom Hotel entfernt
Av. Atlântica
Ein Guide für tolle Orte in der Nähe von Pestana Rio Atlantica
pastel de siri é incrível . try appetizer of crab, it' s delicious!!!
170 m vom Hotel entfernt
R. Domingos Ferreira, 242
Projetado por Oscar Niemeyer. A fachada é inspirada no movimento das ondas do mar ;)
213 m vom Hotel entfernt
R. Domingos Ferreira, 160
Do Leme ao Leblon, não há nada tão bom! Para uma tarde mais colorida. http://bit.ly/TldcKd
217 m vom Hotel entfernt
Av. N.Sa. de Copacabana, 920
Do not skip the Madeleine's ice cream ...Yummy !!!
282 m vom Hotel entfernt
Av. N.Sa. de Copacabana, 776
The one and only place where you can get impecable galetes and cidra. It's a tiny delicious portion of Bretagne in Rio.
311 m vom Hotel entfernt
R. Xavier da Silveira, 19
Great service and great food. They also have chilean wine!!
356 m vom Hotel entfernt
R. Sta. Clara, 36C
Titio alcideees! Melhor aula de local!
483 m vom Hotel entfernt
Av. N.Sa. de Copacabana, 702, Lj. B
Love the banana cake & banana chocolate chip muffin! :) service has been great every time. If you're planning on having a conversation with a few people sit inside, outside is just too noisy
487 m vom Hotel entfernt
Av. N.Sa. de Copacabana, 1058-B
Amazing atmosphere and extremely friendly staff!!! Had a lot of fun over there))) Thanks a lot!)
494 m vom Hotel entfernt
R. Dias da Rocha, 85
The famous Copacabana Beach saw Olympic beach volleyball medallists Adriana and Shelda practising here. It will host Olympic triathlon and beach volleyball tournaments in 2016.
0.5 km vom Hotel entfernt
Av. Atlântica
Great place to watch the sunset. Go out on the rocks for the best view and join the many locals taking in the view as well. Very safe, lots of police around.
1.6 km vom Hotel entfernt
Av. Francisco Bhering